I have added a paragraph to the bottom of the swimmer info page about the process of entering an open meet...
It great to see so many parents and swimmers gathered together yesterday morning.
I talked about the increase in training time for academy swimmers and the change to "year round" training, emphasing that the more sessions a child can attend the faster progress is likely to be achieved, whilst balancing swimming with "life". I explained that I would like swimmers to become increasingly self sufficient and self reliant, which includes taking responsibility for bringing what they need to training and not expecting parents to do it all - including carrying their bags! I forgot at that point that I had intended to make a plea for ALL kit to be named and not just with initials but full names so that we can attempt to reunite lost kit with the right swimmer! I encouraged all swimmers to start attending appropriate competions to gain experience of the world of competitive swimming and emphasised that all experience is positive since it enables learning. The first such competition is the Oxford Development meet on 23rd October. Please note that the club closing date is 29th September. Events need to be agreed with the squad coach however because of the tight turn around times that might need to be me on this occasion. I made a request that everybody familiaries themselves with the website as it does contain a lot of useful information. Thank you all for staying to join me! It was great to see so many of the academy swimmers taking part in the 50m club champs held this weekend at Abingdon School. For some this was a first taste of racing and they seemed to enjoy it; enjoyment enhanced by medals in some cases!
Results are available here http://www.avsc.co.uk/entry-forms--results.html There were some disqualfications and I will get further information about those to share with the swimmers and their coaches. I want to emphasise again that this was a learning experience and one that is very valuable for any swimmer. On a different note I have a pink digital watch that was left behind on Friday night - if it was your's please let me know! Well done to all involved! |